Trosc Winaro

From the author of Common Sense and The Age of Reason

Last update: The Sunday After the First Friday the 13th of 2006. You know the one.
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(Keenspace doesn't like it when you hotlink comics, dig?)
I'm totally going to have a cast page one day

comics you should read:
Sinfest, Boy on a Stick and Slither, Dinosaur Comics, Perry Bible Fellowship, Toothpaste for Dinner, Droop, White Ninja Comics, Achewood, Wiki's Lessons in Life, Partially Clips, Cat and Girl, Bunny.

Hey, look them up yourself! I'm too lazy to link them. =P

All comics on this page are written, drawnassembled copyrighted, and signed in triplicate by CrazyMrLeo, God of the Sea.
All sprites were made and copyrighted by Gravity, the makers of Ragnarok Online.

Trosc Winaro is hosted on KEENSPACE, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Click on their ads to keep comics much better than mine from going under. =P
(Can I copyright a sprite comic? No? Fuck you, I'm doing it anyway.)
Fear the gnomes